Signs That May Indicate Your Snoring is Dangerous

Snoring – most people snore at some point in their lives, but is it a sign for concern? Snoring can be normal, but in some cases, it may be a sign of a serious underlying health condition. If you have a snoring problem and are wondering if it is something you should be worried about, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the basics of snoring, what causes people to snore and how to identify signs that may indicate it is dangerous. If you are searching for a reliable snoring specialist in Singapore, we might be able to help you with that!


A snorting, whistling, grumbling, rattling sound or even a quiet vibration that is produced during sleep is referred to as snoring. When you sleep, the muscles relax, narrowing the airway. The moving air causes the tissue to vibrate and generate noise as a person breathes in and out. However, this muscle relaxation during sleep is not the only instance that can cause snoring; any obstruction that disrupts the normal passage of air can cause snoring.

Let’s look at some of the main factors that can interfere with airflow and cause snoring:

  • Age – With age, the airways tend to narrow as a result of the decreasing muscle tone. This poor muscle tone can cause snoring.
  • Anatomy – Individuals who have a low and thick soft palate are more likely to snore as their airway is narrow. The risk of snoring is higher if an individual has an airway defect such as a deviated septum.
  • Gender – Males are more predisposed to snoring as their oropharynx (middle section of the throat) is usually larger than in women.
  • Inadequate sleep – If you are experiencing sleep deprivation, this can cause your muscles to relax even further, resulting in snoring.
  • Sleeping position – If you tend to sleep on your back, you are more likely to snore. This is because when you lie on your back, the soft palate and base of your tongue collapse to the back wall of your throat, creating a vibrating sound while you sleep.
  • Weight – Being overweight or obese can add extra pressure to the airways and compress the passage due to the excess fat.
  • Pregnancy – The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy causes blood vessels to dilate and the mucous membranes to swell. These changes can constrict the airway and cause you to snore.
  • Family history – Snoring tends to run in families, so if you have a family member that snores, you would be more prone to snore.
  • Overall health – Any underlying medical conditions can play a role in snoring, such as nasal congestion and allergies.

The consumption of alcohol can also relax the throat muscles and contribute to this condition. In addition, certain medications, such as sedatives, can further exacerbate this condition. Therefore, it is important that you do not attempt to self-medicate. An experienced snoring specialist in Singapore will ensure that the proper assessment and treatment are carried out to provide you relief from snoring.

When Should You Seek Medical Attention for Snoring? 

Whether your snoring is dangerous or not will depend on type, severity, and frequency. The types of snoring can be classified into three broad categories – light snoring, which is usually considered harmless and requires no further investigation or snoring treatment. Primary snoring, on the other hand, occurs more than three nights a week and may require testing to come to a diagnosis. However, if individuals do not have sleep apnoea or experience sleep disruption, there will be no cause for concern. The third type is snoring related to obstructive sleep apnoea; this type needs medical attention as it can have certain adverse consequences, such as stroke and cardiovascular issues if left untreated.

Let’s walk through some signs that may indicate your snoring is dangerous:

You Are Constantly Exhausted

Daytime drowsiness is a key indicator of poor sleep. If you are feeling exhausted and you snore a lot, it could be due to sleep apnoea. Daytime sleepiness can reduce the quality of life and may have severe implications, such as driving accidents.

Gasping or Choking Sounds While Sleeping

Family members usually notice this, but some snorers may wake up often from sleep without them even realising it.

You Are Diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

OSA is a common sleeping disorder that interferes with normal breathing. Frequent episodes of partial or complete closure of the upper airway characterise this condition.

You Have Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

While hypertension alone may not be a warning sign, the presence of other telltale clues can indicate a more sinister issue. Hypertension can result from OSA. The sympathetic nervous system of the body activates and increases blood pressure every time a person briefly stops breathing.

You Have a High Body Mass Index (BMI)

As mentioned previously, individuals carrying excess weight are at a higher risk of snoring. The extra fat around the neck region can directly impact the upper airway, and obesity has been known to have a link to OSA. Therefore, if this is a factor that is contributing to your condition, your snoring specialist in Singapore may recommend weight loss as part of your snoring treatment

Snoring – Diagnosis and Treatment

In order to make the correct diagnosis, your doctor for snoring in Singapore will take a detailed medical history which a physical examination will usually follow. Additionally, you may be required to undergo a few investigations, such as a sleep study (polysomnography), allergy testing, nasal endoscopy and various other imaging tests.

The snoring treatment plan will differ from person to person – the symptoms, causes, and patient compliance will determine this. The specialist may initially focus on non-surgical options like cold and allergy medication (if allergies are a factor in the problem), and implementing certain lifestyle changes, such as abstaining from alcohol, losing weight, adopting better-sleeping positions, and using nasal strips or oral appliances. 

If there is obstructive sleep apnoea, your doctor may recommend the use of a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine to help keep your airways open during sleep.

If these remedies are ineffective or not well tolerated, they may have to consider surgical snoring treatments like tonsillectomy, ablation therapy, and laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty.

Amandela ENT Head and Neck Center – Your Trusted ENT Clinic in Singapore 

If you are seeking medical guidance to relieve snoring, Amandela ENT Head and Neck Centre has got you covered. Our practice aims to provide subspecialty care for every patient and will ensure that you will receive support and assistance every step of the way. Get in touch with our dedicated and friendly team today.

Do You Snore?: Here’s 5 Reasons Why

Do you toss and turn in bed at night because your spouse is snoring? Or are you receiving complaints in the morning that you are the reason for someone else’s sleepless night? Whatever the case may be, snoring is an irritating disturbance to a restful night’s sleep and perhaps an indication of a much more serious issue like Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

It is important to note that just because you snore, you do not necessarily have OSA. However, OSA should not be treated lightly because those who suffer from this condition may stop breathing in their sleep due to a restricted airway. Our team of medical professionals at Amandela ENT Head and Neck Centre strongly recommend that you visit a snoring doctor in Singapore if you snore so that they are able to diagnose the cause of your snoring correctly. 

Snoring occurs when air is unable to move freely through your trachea when you sleep. When the airway is constricted or blocked, this causes the tissues to move and vibrate due to the airflow causing that all too familiar noise known as a snore. There are several reasons why people tend to snore according to snoring doctors in Singapore. 

1. Blocked Airways

Do you recall the last time you suffered from a sinus infection or when pesky allergies affected your ability to breathe easy? You might not be able to recall it now, but there is a very high likelihood that you snored quite a bit during such periods. A stuffy nose can prevent air from flowing freely in the trachea causing snoring.  Individuals with persistent nasal obstruction are more likely to snore often. 

Some ways to eliminate snoring that arises from nasal congestion is through taking prescribed medications to treat the infection or allergies. Nasal decongestant sprays are also useful in lessening the nasal congestion, allowing for air to flow freely in the airway thereby reducing snoring. 

2. Obesity

Another common reason for snoring is weight. Simply put, when there is more fat around your neck, it can press against your upper airway when you sleep. When neck fat compresses the upper airway, it makes it incredibly difficult for air to flow smoothly through the airway and makes snoring more likely. Interestingly, people who snore tend to have a hard time sleeping at night leading to poor sleep quality. This makes them groggy and restless during the day causing  them to snack more thereby leading to greater weight gain. 

One way most snoring doctors in Singapore recommend to resolve this cause of snoring is to lose weight. When the individual loses weight, it drastically reduces snoring and improves overall sleep quality. A healthy diet is also recommended for people who snore due to obesity. When the patient pays close attention to the food he or she eats, they are able to control their weight and be more conscious of how their eating habits affect their snoring patterns.

For example, eating too close to bedtime can lead to painful indigestion. When acid from the indigestion travels because of the body’s supine position, it can cause the gullet to become inflamed and swollen. This can cause the trachea to become constricted making it difficult for air to flow, thus leading to snoring. 

3. Gender-Related Reasons 

Did you know that according to a study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 40% of men are snorers compared to 24% of their female counterparts. It’s a fact that men snore more than women (sorry guys!) but what are some of the reasons that predispose a certain sex towards snoring? 

One obvious reason is due to biology. It’s no secret that men and women are anatomically different. Since men have a unique type of muscle structure in their throat and neck, it can amplify the sound of the snore. In fact, men have a larger-sized airway and a bigger hard palate in the mouth which facilitates loud snores. 

Another reason is due to the hormones unique to women.  Two types of female hormones which include oestrogen and progesterone help the females to reduce snoring. Progesterone, for example, is key in preventing abnormal breathing during sleep. In fact, recent research has shown that women who go through menopause and experience lower levels of these vital hormones tend to have symptoms of OSA. 

4. Alcohol Consumption

Another reason for snoring is alcohol consumption. When a person ingests alcohol it causes the throat muscles to become lax. This can lead to constricted air flow. When air travels through the narrow airways, it moves against these loosened and relaxed throat muscles which creates the snoring sound. Snoring doctors in Singapore usually recommend that individuals do not drink alcohol at least five to six hours before bedtime as these could exacerbate the snoring. 

5. Age

Age is also a factor which can worsen snoring. When we age, the muscles in our body tend to weaken. It is no different for the muscles in our airway. When air flow moves against these loose tissues, it causes them to vibrate thereby producing the familiar snoring sound. 

Schedule A Consultation With Our ENT Doctors at Amandela ENT Head and Neck Centre

Make an appointment with our doctors at Amandela ENT Head and Neck Centre if you need treatment for your snoring. Our doctors are determined to deliver patient-centric care so that you receive the most suitable snoring treatment. Click here to arrange a consultation session with our team of ENT doctors at Amandela ENT Head and Neck centre.